Closed Captioning


Who should I contact if I am having a problem?

Please let us know in the CoveritLive Chat and our moderator will send you a private message to help solve your problems. If needed we will give you a phone number to call to talk through any issues.

Can I ask the speaker a question?

Yes, you can send us a question via live chat.

Can I watch the live stream on my mobile device?

Yes. The stream is available on up-to-date iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. Private Browsing must be turned off.

How can I turn off the sound when messages pop up?

On the CoveritLive window go under settings to the left. Check mute system sounds. You can click the speaker icon near the text box. A line will appear through the speaker indicating the mute.

My captions aren't working. What can I do?

First try switching browsers. We recommend using Firefox. Also try logging out or quitting the application and then reloading the page. Captioning often needs to be refreshed as the event begins. If this fails please alert the moderator of the CoveritLive Chat and someone will be in touch to help you.

How can I learn about other COIL programs, grant opportunities, and initiatives?

Visit the COIL website at for news and updates related to all COIL activities. You can also subscribe to the COIL mailing list at or follow us on your favorite social network using the links at the top-right of our homepage.